Substance Designer Nodevember

Created these as part of Nodevember to show off my Substance Designer expertise. I had fun with the different themes to make some interesting creations. To add challenge to myself, I tried to apply different techniques as a focus for different pieces.

Art Deco inspired Design Matball

Art Deco inspired Design Matball

Chainmail Matball

Chainmail Matball

Keyboard MatBall

Keyboard MatBall

Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake

IBM Monitor

IBM Monitor

Colored Pencils MatBall

Colored Pencils MatBall

Colored Pencils dynamic shot

Colored Pencils dynamic shot

Colored Pencils Graph, I tried to keep my graphs as light as possible. This one used the flood fill node as the core technique.

Colored Pencils Graph, I tried to keep my graphs as light as possible. This one used the flood fill node as the core technique.